
Anne-Caroline Floch

Bonjour ! If you are willing to tap into your resourcefulness and your amazingness, let’s talk ! My name is Anne-Caroline and I am a PCC ICF credentialed Coach, specialized in Life & Holistic Wellness Coaching. I believe in a whole person approach to help you reconnect the dots between your body, your heart, your mind (your soul, if it resonates with you) so you can experience your life fully. I help people to figure out THEIR way of taking care of themselves, no matter the chapter of life they are in. If you are looking for a sustainable way to build a new habit supportive of a healthy lifestyle, I have helped dozens and dozens to do so, involving the body in the process with somatic tools, not just sticking to mindset work ! If you are ready to discover the potential of gentleness, I am passionate about Self-Care and a practitioner in several modalities such as Reiki, Face Yoga and Gua-Sha, Qi Gong as well as Acupressure combined with Essential Oils. I enjoy sharing with my clients ways for them to embrace a flowing vital energy that unlocks your potential. I can support you for a clarity session of an hour, for a 3 month Self-care journey or we can craft your coaching cycle according to your aspirations.

Coach Sessions